Time To Call A Roof Contractor? These Tips Will Help You Tell When!

GAF Colony gray 2Most homeowners love improving their house. Getting a new kitchen or new landscaping can be an exciting time, especially when it involves getting a look you’ve always wanted! Roofing, however, is less exciting for many. Mainly because most projects involving the roof are something even the most avid DIY’ers simply aren’t qualified for and attempting to do it anyhow can result in much larger expenses if done improperly.

Although it may not be the most fun thing to improve upon it is arguably one of the most important parts of your home the needs extra attention because like it or not, neglecting your roof can cost you thousands in higher energy bills, extensive damage, and higher repair costs!

These tips will help tell you when you need a roof contractor and how be sure to keep your roof in shape for years to come!

1) Roof Inspections

Several times a year, especially between seasons and after significant weather events, do a visual inspection of your roof. If you notice things like loose, missing, buckled or damaged shingles, rusted flashing, or streaking stains you should call a professional roof contractor immediately. Water stains and mold in the attic can also be indicative of a failing roof. These signs may mean you need a new roof or just a few small repairs, you won’t know until a professional inspects it, and the sooner the better, as small roof problems have a tendency to become large headaches if neglected for too long.

2) Keeping Up With Maintenance

At least once yearly you should clean out your ventilation system and vents and remove leaves and debris from your roof. Re-caulking areas around pipes and vents to prevent rust may be called for, if so be sure to stay on top of it. All-year round you want to keep your gutters clear of debris to ensure proper water flow. If you’re not apt to getting up on the roof to do these things, contracting a professional to do these things will ensure they get done, in many cases, insurance and warranties require documented maintenance by professionals at specific intervals, check your paperwork to see if this applies to you, especially if your roof is newer.

3) Knowing Your Roof

What kind of roof do you have, asphalt shingles, tiles, is it a metal roof? The type of materials used on your roof will determine it’s lasting power and how much maintenance is really required. Shingle roofs last on average 20 years or more but if installed properly, with the right materials and is properly maintained they can last much longer. If your not sure, calling a professional roof contractor can tell you exactly what you have and what you need to do to ensure it lasts.

4) Knowing Your Roofing Options

Many people have very specific ideas of how they want their home to look and with new technologies available roof contractors can deliver just about anything you want! But what is available, what you want, and what will actually work with your home can be different things. Doing research on the internet is great for seeing what’s out the but nothing replaces having a professional roof contractor, familiar with your specific home and desires, with you to walk you through your options and make sure you get what you want and that it will all come together they way you expect. When shopping for a new roof, especially if you want to make radical changes, contact a professional roof contractor and start the project off right!

Atlanta Roofing Specialists is Metro Atlanta’s premier roofing contractor providing you with answers to just about any roofing scenario you can imagine! Call us today for a free roof inspection at 770-419-2222!


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